Saturday, October 29, 2011

On My Way

Yes!!!  The day has finally come.  I am in St. Louis and will fly from here to Chicago where I will leave at 8:55 pm (CST) for a non-stop flight to Abu Dhabi, arriving there at 7:45 pm on Sunday, Oct 30.  I am so excited and so ready to start my new job.  I will be flying with 8 of my colleagues so it will be nice to visit with them on the plane.  It's going to be a longggggggg day/night of traveling so thank you in advance for your prayers! 

So, Kara, Beka and I came up yesterday and had several mishaps!!  First of all, we got into St. Louis right at rush hour, then to top it off, we had to go to the Amtrak station (long story about a ticket refund) which was DOWNTOWN!!!!  I know, stupid, stupid, stupid.  Everybody and their cousin was on their way to the 7th World Series Game.  But, it only took about an hour out of our way and then we were on our way to do last minute shopping at the mall.  We did some shopping, then took Beka out to a birthday dinner at Bravo! near the mall.  It was so fun and the perfect way to end our day.  Oh wait, we had yet one more mishap.  There was construction getting back onto I270 so of course, we got very lost.  Thank goodness for GPS on my iPhone!  We finally got to our hotel at about 10:00. 

So this morning, Kara and I had a quiet breakfast together, she only cried a little and had a sweet talk and private good-byes.  Now, she and Beka are off to visit some friends while I take my shower, get organized for the plane and basically try to stay calm!

Like I said on Facebook, I can't tell everybody who helped me emotionally, physically, spiritually, and yes financially enough how much I appreciate you!! So many wonderful prayers were answered this past two months.  Well, I must give tons of praise to my mom. We were in this together and I couldn't have done the waiting without her!!!!  So, we had two garage sales, I sold my piano, and it just seemed like from everywhere my family was willing to help me in so many ways!  Also, one of  the BIGGEST blessings of all was the birth of my great niece Paisley.  I will always, always cherish the week I spent with Jessica, giving Paisley her little bath, and rocking her to sleep. 

I will update as soon as possible about where I'm staying, the orientation and of course the school I will be working in.  Thanks again so very much for the prayers!!!!!

PS  I love you and miss you so much Dr. M!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kara's keeping me informed until I hear from you. You are in my prayers!
